Terms of use

    Article 1 (Purpose)

    These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "terms") are intended to specify the conditions of use and other necessary matters related to the service provided by Korean Drug Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the "company") for its members (hereinafter referred to as "users") who wish to use the service, including the membership conditions of the company.

    Article 2 (Effect and modification of terms of use)
    (1) These terms become effective by being posted of publicly announced by the company in the service menu or by other means, including the company's website, and can be confirmed on the company's website. 

    (2) The company may modify these terms for reasonable reasons, and in case of modifying the terms, the company will announce it in advance without delay. 

    Article 3 (Supplementary Provisions)
    (1) For matters not specified in these terms, the telecommunications basic act, the act on promotion of information and communications network utilization and information protection, etc., and other relevant laws and regulations shall apply.

    Article 4 (Explanation of Terms)
    (1) Definition of terms used in these terms are as follows, 
    1. "User" refers to an individual who uses the service operated by the company as a member. 
    2. "Service Agreement" refers to the agreement concluded between the company and the user regarding the use of the service.
    3. "User ID" refers to a combination of English letters and numbers selected by the user and approved by the company for identifying the member band using the service. 
    4. "Password" refers to a combination of characters and numbers selected by the user to confirm the user's identify and protect the user's rights. 
    5. "Termination" refers to the cancellation of the service agreement by the company or the user. 

    (2) Definition of terms used in these terms, except for those defined in paragraph 1, shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations and service-specific instructions, Korean Drug Co. Ltd site collects a minimum amount of information necessary for smooth order and service reception, delivery of goods, payment of fees, and providing convenient and useful customized information to members when ordering goods or services or using various services of Korean Drug Co. Ltd site. 
    All information provided by members will be used solely for the above purposes and will not be used for any other purposes, beyond the scope of collected information of changed in terms of collection scope, purpose, or use without obtaining prior consent from members. 

    1. Collection and purpose of use of personal information
    2. Items of personal information collected
    3. If the retention and utilization period of personal information is changed, separate consent must be obtained from each user in order to use the personal information for the changed purpose (Reference: Article 22 of the Act on promotion of information and communication network utilization and information protection)

    Collection items and retention/utilization period of personal information
    According to article 23, paragraph 2 of the act on promotion of information and communication network utilization and information protection, when a service  provider collects personal information from users, the service provider must collect the minimum necessary information for the provision of the information and communication service, and shall not refuse to provide the service solely on the ground of refusal to provide personal information other that the minimum necessary information.

    Article 5 (Establishment of service contract)
    (1) The service contract is established by the agreement of the customer on the contents of this service agreement and the acceptance of the application by the company. 
    (2) Agreement to this service agreement is expressed by pressing the "agree" button on the Korean Drug Co. Ltd website at the time of application.    

    Article 6 (Application for service use)
    (1) Customers who wish to use this service must provide the information (name, contact information, etc.) specified by the company and join as a member before using the service.
    (2) All members must provide their real name in order to use the service, and if a fictitious name is used, there may be restrictions on the use of the service. 
    (3) Membership registration is only possible with real names. 
    (4) Members who apply the service using someone else's name (identify) may be deleted without prior notice and may be restricted from using the service according to the severity of the violation in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. 
    (5) The company enforces a privacy policy to protect the personal information of service users in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 

    Article 7 (Protection and use of personal information)
    The company enforces a privacy policy to protect the personal information of service users in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of user's personal information are subject to applicable laws and the company's privacy policy. However, the company shall not be responsible for any information exposure due to the user's own fault.

    Article 8 (Acceptance and restriction of service application)
    (1) The company approves the use of the service for customers who have applied for it in accordance with the provisions of Article 6, unless there are any operational or technical hindrances. 

    (2) The company may not approve the following cases; 
    - Applications made under someone else's name or with a false name
    - Applications made with attached false documents or false information.
    - Applicants who have been registered as credit delinquents for PC communication or internet services under the Credit information use and protection act. 
    - Applications made with the purpose of undermining social order or public morals.
    - Applicants who have been registered as improper users by the Korea Communications Standards Commission for PC communication or internet service. 
    - Other cases where the requirements for service application set by the company are not met. 

    (3) The company may withhold approval for service applications that fall under the following cases until the restriction reasons are resolved;
    - When the company's facilities are not available. 
    - When there are technical hindrance for the company. 
    - In cases where the company is unable to approve the service application due to other reasons attributable to due company's fault. 

    (4) In cases where the company is unable to accept an application or limits acceptance due to other reasons as specified in the regulations, the company must immediately notify the applicant of such decision. 
    (5) If the applicant is a minor, the company may limit acceptance in accordance with separate provisions. 

    Article 9 (Rights and Obligations of the Company)
    1. If opinions or complaints raised by members are deemed reasonable, the company must promptly handle and process them. However, if immediate processing is not feasible, the company must notify the member of the reasons and schedule for processing in writing, by email, or by phone. 

    2. The company has the obligation to protect the personal information of users in accordance with the privacy policy established by the company. However, this may not apply in cases where legal procedures require otherwise. 

    3. If the company intends to use the personal information of users beyond the scope notified or disclosed, or provide it to third parties, individual notice and consent must be obtained from the respective member, regardless of the provisions in Article 2. 

    4. The company shall promptly repair or restore equipment in case of failure or loss to ensure continuous and stable service provision. However, in cases of force majeure, emergencies, or other unavoidable circumstances, the company may temporarily suspend or discontinue the service. 

    5. In order to ensure a smooth and user-friendly experience, the company must provide convenience to members in procedures and contents related to the conclusion of the service agreement, changes to contract terms, and termination, among others. 

    6. With the prior consent of the member, the company may compile statistical data on some or all of the personal information of members in relation to its business and may send cookies to the member's computer through the service. in this case, the member can refuse to receive cookies or change the settings of the computers' browser to receive warnings about receiving cookies and any changes to the service use resulting from the change in cookie settings are the responsibility of the member. 

    Article 10 (Rights and Obligations of members)  
    1. When using the service, members must not engage in the following actions;

    - Unauthorized use of other members' IDs and passwords. 
    - Copying, processing, translating, replicating, performing, broadcasting, exhibiting, distributing, publishing, or providing to third parties information obtained through the service for purposes other than personal use. 
    - Damaging the reputation or causing harm to others. 
    - Infringing on the copyrights or other rights of the company or third parties.
    - Distributing information, sentences, images, voices, etc. of contents that violate public order and decency to others. 
    - Engaging in actions objectively recognized as being associated with crimes. 
    - Registering or distributing materials infected with computer viruses that can cause malfunction or destruction of equipment related to the service. 
    - Transmitting information that may interfere with the stable operation of service or sending advertising information against the will of the recipient. 
    - Engaging in actions that receive corrective requests from reputable organizations such as the Korea communications standards commission and consumer protection agencies. 
    - Engaging in actions that receive suspension, warning, or corrective orders from the National Election Commission in violation of election laws. 
    - Engaging in actions that violate other relevant laws and regulations. 

    2. Members must comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions, service usage instructions, or notices posted separately by the company. 
    3. Members are not allowed to engage in business activities using the service without the explicit prior consent of the company, and the company shall not be held responsible for any consequences arising from such violations. 
    4. Members shall be liable for damages to the company in connection with such business activities. 
    5. Members are not allowed to transfer or donate their membership status, or use it as collateral for others and shall not be able to assign any or all contents and functions of the service without the prior approval of the company. 
    6. If a user requests access to or correction of their personal information by visiting the company or using electronic signature, or ID, the company must confirm their identify and take necessary measures promptly. 
    7. If a user's representative visits the company to request access or correction, the company may request proof of representation. 
    8. The company may request the presentation of proof of representation indicating the representative relationship when a proxy of the user visits and requests access or corrections of personal information. 
    9. The company shall establish procedures to collect user opinions and handle complaints regarding personal information. 

    Article 11 (Service Usage Time)
    (1) The service is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there are special circumstances in the company's business or technology that may cause disruptions. However, the company may temporarily suspend the service at the date and time specified by the company for regular system maintenance, expansion, or replacement, and notice of scheduled service interruptions will be posted on the website in advance. 
    (2) In case of service interruption due to reasons beyond the control of the company (e.g., intentional or negligent disk failure by system administrators, system downtime, etc.), advance notice may not be possible, and no notice will be given in case of service interruption caused by the intentional or negligent act of third parties (PC communication companies, period communication service providers, etc.). 

    Article 12 (Management of User ID)
    (1) The user is solely responsible for the management of their ID and password. 
    (2) If the user's ID is used improperly, the user must immediately notify the company. 

    Article 13 (Management of Posts)
    The company may delete, move, or refuse to register the following posts or data without prior notice;
    - Posts or content that severely defame or damage the reputation of other members or third parties. 
    - Posts or content that violate public order or decency by distributing or liking to content that promotes illegal activities of hacking. 
    - Posts or content that are for profit-making advertising. 
    - Posts or content that objectively indicate an association with a crime. 
    - Posts or content that infringe upon the copyrights or other rights of other uses or third parties. 
    - Posts or content that violate the posting principles set by the company nor do not comply with the nature of the bulletin board
    - Posts or content that are determined to be in violation of other applicable laws and regulations. 

    Article 14 (Copyright of Posts)
    (1) Members may not commercially use or process the information obtained through the service, such as selling or modifying the materials posted on the service. 
    (2) If the content posted or registered by a member within the service is determined to fall under any of the categories listed in Article 13, the company may delete, move, or refuse to register such content without prior notice. 

    Article 15 (Provision of information)
    (1) The company may provide various information that is deemed necessary for members during the use of the service through methods such as email or phone communication.

    Article 16 (Advertisement placement and transactions with advertisers)
    (1) A part of the service investment base that the company provides to members is derived from revenue generated through advertisement placement, Members agree to the display of advertisements that appear during the use of the service. 
    (2) The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by members through participation in promotional activities of advertisers or communication or transactions conducted through this service or for any other reason.    

    Article 17 (Changes and Termination of contract)
    When a member wishes to terminate the membership agreement, they must use the "membership withdrawal" menu on the company's website to cancel their membership.

    Article 18 (Restriction of service use)
    (1) The company may restrict the use of the service if a member violates the content of Article 10 of these terms of service or falls under any of the following categories; 
    - Using obscene language or nicknames that undermined public decency.
    - Severe defamation or obstruction of other users' service usage. 
    - Interfering with normal service operation in any other way. 
    - Upon request for correction from relevant public institutions, such as the Korean Communications Standards Commission.
    - In the case of an illegal website.

    1. Uploading commercial software or crack files
    2. Posting obscene content that violates Article 7 of the regulations of the Korea communications standards commission. 
    3. Including content aimed at performing any-national activities. 
    4. Uploading copyrighted articles or MP3 files without permission. 
    - In case of distributing computer virus programs or other malicious software that may cause malfunction or destruction of information in the information and communication equipment. 

    (2) The service provider may temporarily suspend,  suspend, or terminated the service use of a member without prior notice, in accordance with the regulations for handling abusive users, with regard to the use of the service by a member in accordance with the aforementioned usage restrictions. 

    Article 19 (Scope and Claim of Damages) 
    1. The company shall not be liable for compensating damages incurred by members due to natural disasters, face majeure, or intentional or negligent acts of members. 

    2. In case of hosting for e-commerce or general hosting services, if the company is unable to provide the service due to force majeure the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply. 

    3. If a members' illegal actions result in the company receiving claims for damages, lawsuits, or other objections from third parties the member must make efforts to indemnify the company, and if the company is not infinities, the member shall be liable for all damages incurred by the company. 

    Article 20 (Disclaimer)
    (1) The company shall be exempt from liability for providing the service in case of natural disasters, wars, or other force majeure events. 
    (2) The company shall be exempt from liability for damages caused by interruption or failure to provide normal electronic communication services by the telecommunications carrier. 
    (3) The company shall be exempt from liability for damages caused by necessary maintenance, replacement, regular inspection, or construction of service equipment. 
    (4) The company shall not be liable for service disruptions or damages caused by a member's own fault. 
    (5) The company shall not be liable for damages caused by the user's computer errors, or for damages arising from the members' inaccurate provision of personal information and email address. 
    (6) The company shall not be responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or contents of various information, data, and facts posted by members on the service. 
    (7) The company shall not be liable for any damages arising from transactions (including intangible goods) between members or between a member and a third party facilitated through the service. 
    (8) The company shall not be responsible for any damages incurred in connection with the use of free services provided to members by the company. 

    Article 21 (Jurisdiction and dispute resolution)
    (1) Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by relevant laws and customs, including the telecommunication business act.. 
    (2) In the event of a dispute between the company and a member regarding the use of the service, the dispute must be resolved in good faith through mutual consultation before filing a lawsuit. 
    (3) In the event of a lawsuit arising from a dispute related to the use of the service, the court with jurisdiction over the location of the company's headquarters shall be the competent court.